What is the account status?

Payments between Velespay users are performed in a remote way. And often the parties don't know each other and have no chance to meet in real life. So it isn't surprising that this fact brings a trust issue to the forefront. How safe exactly this transaction is going to be? Can I be sure that receipient is not a fraud? And after all, who is this mysterious person? Find answers to all these questions, just like many others, you can with a help of our verification service.

Verification procedure confirms that the account owner is a real-life person. Depending on the quantity and the method to check the information given by a user, we offer different types of verification. The higher is a level of the user, the bigger degree of trust he has, and the more opportunities he gets from Velespay.

Anonymous status is perfect for small transactions, payment of bills and online shopping. Besides, such status is good for beginners who are only studying all the possibilities of Velespay system. However, you should remember that degree of trust to such user will be minimal.

All payments to services risky types of business are prohibited.

Currency Maximum amount
of money in the wallet
Single / Daily / Monthly
Withdrawal (Payments)
Single / Daily / Monthly
USD 300 100 / 100 / 500 100 / 100 / 500
EUR 300 100 / 100 / 500 100 / 100 / 500
CNY 2100 700 / 700 / 3500 700 / 700 / 3500
CZK 6300 2100 / 2100 / 10500 2100 / 2100 / 10500
KZT 96000 32000 / 32000 / 160000 32000 / 32000 / 160000
UAH 9000 3000 / 3000 / 15000 3000 / 3000 / 15000
RUB 15000 5000 / 15000 / 40000 5000 / 15000 / 40000

Formal status will work for active users of electronic payment services and freelancers. Moreover, it can be used for regular payment of various public services and cashing. It's issued after you load the scans of your passport data.

Currency Maximum amount
of money in the wallet
Single / Daily / Monthly
Withdrawal (Payments)
Single / Daily / Monthly
USD 100000 10000 / 30000 / 100000 10000 / 30000 / 100000
EUR 100000 10000 / 30000 / 100000 10000 / 30000 / 100000
CNY 700000 70000 / 210000 / 700000 70000 / 210000 / 700000
CZK 2100000 210000 / 630000 / 2100000 210000 / 630000 / 2100000
KZT 32000000 3200000 / 9600000 / 32000000 3200000 / 9600000 / 32000000
UAH 3000000 300000 / 900000 / 3000000 300000 / 900000 / 3000000
RUB 60000 15000 / 60000 / 200000 15000 / 60000 / 200000

Personal/Business status is recommended for business and advanced individual users who want not only to spend and transfer their money, but also to earn some on the Internet, using a complete set of Velespay services. This one provides high degree of trust from other participants since your passport data and constituent instruments will be checked in person, providing originals (or notarized copies) of all documentation.

Developer status is given to the developers who create the software by order or together with Velespay experts.

Verifier status is the highest one given to participants of Velespay system. Having the Verifier status is imperative for participation in the partnership program for checing the personal data of users. It's given after a personal meeting with the representative of Velespay system and signing the Assignment agreement.

Currency Maximum amount
of money in the wallet
Single / Daily / Monthly
Withdrawal (Payments)
Single / Daily / Monthly
USD 1000000 100000 / 300000 / 1000000 100000 / 300000 / 1000000
EUR 1000000 100000 / 300000 / 1000000 100000 / 300000 / 1000000
CNY 7000000 700000 / 2100000 / 7000000 700000 / 2100000 / 7000000
CZK 21000000 2100000 / 6300000 / 21000000 2100000 / 6300000 / 21000000
KZT 320000000 32000000 / 96000000 / 320000000 32000000 / 96000000 / 320000000
UAH 30000000 3000000 / 9000000 / 30000000 3000000 / 9000000 / 30000000
RUB 600000 600000 / 2000000 / 10000000 600000 / 2000000 / 10000000