Data structures
This section describes the data structures returned after a successful request when making financial transactions in the Velespay payment platform.
{ "result": [{: [{ "currency": { "id": <Digital currency code according to ISO 4217. Example: 0840>, "code": <Currency code according to ISO 4217. Example: USD> }, "amount": <Total balance (decimal)> "hold": <Frozen amount (decimal)>, "available": <Available balance (decimal)> }] }] }
{ "result": [{ "action": <Action. Example: sell or buy>, "currency_from": <Digital currency code according to ISO 4217. Example: 0840>, "currency_to": <Digital currency code according to ISO 4217. Example: 0643>, "gross": <Amount paid in currency currency_from (decimal)>, "net": <Amount received in the currency currency_to (decimal)>, "rate": <Exchange rate (decimal)> }] }
{ "result": { "page_size": <Number of transactions returned per page (integer)>, "page_number": <Page (integer)>, "total_count": <Total number of transactions (integer)>, "records": [ <array of objects TxnInfo field result> ] } }
{ "result": { "id": <Transaction ID (integer)>, "date": <Date in UTC format>, "lifetime": <Invoice expiration date in UTC format>, "hash": <Hash for redirection>, "type": <Transaction type (integer)>, "via": <How the transaction was executed (integer)>, "status": [ [ <Date in UTC format>, <Transaction status (integer)> ] ], "invoice": <If it is specified. The number of the invoice, in accordance with the system of accounting of the seller>, "sender": { "wallet": <Sender's wallet. Example: VM123456789>, "account": <ID account (integer)>, "email": <Sender E-mail>, "phone": <Sender phone number>, "name": <Sender's name (First and Last Name or Company Name)>, "country": <Sender's country (Digit country code ISO 3166-1)>, "status": <Sender - Statuses accounts (integer)> }, "receiver": { "wallet": <Recipient's wallet. Example: VM123456789>, "account": <ID account (integer)>, "email": <E-mail of recipient>, "phone": <Recipient's phone>, "name": <Beneficiary's name (First and Last Name or Company Name)>, "country": <Recipient country (Digit country code ISO 3166-1)>, "status": <Recipient - Statuses accounts (integer)> }, "currency": <Transaction currency. Digital currency code according to ISO 4217. Example: 0840>, "gross": <Payed amount>, "fee": <Amount of fees>, "net": <Payee amount>, "balance": <Balance sender or recipient after the operation>, "period": <If the transfer of funds with the protection code. Protection period or 0>, "code": <If the translation with the code of protection. Transfer activation code. Only displayed to the sender>, "description": <Sender's comment or message>, "info": { <Object. Additional payment information. Depending on the type of operation> }, "user_agent": <Browser through which the operation was created. Browser of the Sender or Recipient>, "ip": <Sender/Receiver IP address>, "is_incoming": <if true - incoming transaction or false - outgoing transaction> } } - CurrencyExchange
{ "action": <Action. Example: sell or buy>, "currency_from": <Digital currency code according to ISO 4217. Example: 0840>, "currency_to": <Digital currency code according to ISO 4217. Example: 0643>, "gross": <Amount paid in currency currency_from (decimal)>, "net": <Amount received in the currency currency_to (decimal)>, "rate": <Exchange rate (decimal)> } - Invoice
{ "invoice": { "number": <Number of the invoice, in accordance with the system of accounting of the seller>, "currency": <Currency on the invoice. Currency code according to ISO 4217. Example: USD>, "product": [ { "name": <Name of Goods or Services>, "quantity": <Quantity>, "price": <Price per unit of Goods/Service> } ], "payment_method": [ <array with codes of electronic currencies with which it is possible to pay the invoice> ], "who_fee": <who pays fees>, "email": <E-mail of the buyer> }, "payment": { "method": { "system": <Payment system code, field "code" of "Information data" -> "Payment systems/banks">, "code": <E-currency code, field "code" of "Information data" -> "Electronic currency">, "currency": <National currency code, field "code " of "Information data" -> "Currencies"> }, "money": { "gross": <Amount that is paid in the currency method.currency>, "fee": <Fees in the currency method.currency>, "net": <Amount credited to the wallet Velespay> }, "payer": { "lang": <Payer ISO 639-1 language code>, "wallet": <Wallet in a third-party PS, through which the payment is made>, "email": <E-mail in the third-party PS, through which the payment is made>, "phone": <Phone in the third-party PS, through which the payment is made>, "user_agent": <Payer's browser>, "ip": <IP address of the payer> <If payment via banks via SWIFT/SEPA, then Bank details> }, "status": [ [ <Date in UTC format>, <Deposit/Withdrawal Statuses> ] ], "details": { <Information from PS> } }, "agent": <Agent ID> } - Deposit
{ "payment": { "method": { "system": <Payment system code, field "code" of "Information data" -> "Payment systems/banks">, "code": <E-currency code, field "code" of "Information data" -> "Electronic currency">, "currency": <National currency code, field "code " of "Information data" -> "Currencies"> }, "money": { "gross": <Amount that is paid in the currency method.currency>, "fee": <Fees in the currency method.currency>, "net": <Amount credited to the wallet Velespay> }, "payer": { "lang": <Payer ISO 639-1 language code>, "wallet": <Wallet in a third-party PS, through which the deposit is made>, "email": <E-mail in the third-party PS, through which the deposit is made>, "phone": <Phone in the third-party PS, through which the deposit is made>, "user_agent": <Payer's browser>, "ip": <IP address of the payer> <If deposit via banks via SWIFT/SEPA, then Bank details> }, "status": [ [ <Date in UTC format>, <Deposit/Withdrawal Statuses> ] ], "details": { <Information from PS> } }, "agent": <Agent ID> } - Withdraw
{ "payment": { "method": { "system": <Payment system code, field "code" of "Information data" -> "Payment systems/banks">, "code": <E-currency code, field "code" of "Information data" -> "Electronic currency">, "currency": <National currency code, field "code " of "Information data" -> "Currencies"> }, "money": { "gross": <Amount paid in the transaction currency>, "fee": <Fees in the transaction currency>, "net": <Amount sent to the third-party PS> }, "payee": { "lang": <Recipient ISO 639-1 language code>, "wallet": <Wallet in a third-party PS>, "email": <E-mail in a third-party PS>, "phone": <Phone in a third-party PS>, "user_agent": <Payer's browser>, "ip": <IP address of the payer> <If the withdrawal of funds to banks using SWIFT/SEPA, the Bank details> }, "status": [ [ <Date in UTC format>, <Deposit/Withdrawal Statuses> ] ], "details": { <Information from PS> } }, "agent": <Agent ID> }