Successful payment URL
Specify the page to which the buyer will be redirected after successful payment:
- Go to your personal account;
- Menu Profile - > Wallets;
- Select Wallet;
- Open "Business" tab;
- Verify your business;
- Section "SCI interface:";
- Specify Successful payment URL;
- Specify a method for sending parameters;
Additional parameters that the Velespay platform transmits are associated with the buyer's forwarding by the POST method:
vm_txn = <Transaction ID in the system Velespay (integer)>; vm_invoice = <Invoice number, according to your accounting system>; vm_wallet = <Wallet on which the payment is credited (Yours). Example: VM123456789>; vm_amount[gross] = <Amount of the invoice>; vm_amount[fee] = <Fees>; vm_amount[net] = <Amount credited>; vm_currency[id] = <Digital currency code according to ISO 4217. Example: 0840>; vm_currency[code] = <Currency code according to ISO 4217. Example: USD>; vm_ps[system] = <Code of the payment system through which the invoice was paid, field "code" of the "Handbooks" -> "Payment systems/banks">; vm_ps[code] = <Code of the electronic currency with which the invoice was paid, field "code" of the "Handbooks" -> "Electronic currency">; vm_ps[currency] = <National currency code (USD), field "code" of the "Handbooks" -> "Currencies">; vm_ps[gross] = <How much the buyer paid>; vm_ps[fee] = <Fee in the currency of payment>; vm_ps[net] = <Difference is the amount of payment and fees>; vm_ps[rate] = <Exchange Rate if the account currency and the payment currency are different>; vm_buyer[wallet] = <Payer's wallet. Example: VM123456789>; vm_buyer[account] = <Account of the payer (integer)>; vm_buyer[email] = <E-mail of the payer>; vm_buyer[phone] = <Payer's phone>; vm_buyer[name] = <Payer's name (First and Last Name or Company Name)>; vm_buyer[country] = <Country of the payer (Digit country code ISO 3166-1)>; vm_buyer[status] = <Status of the account of the payer (integer)>; vm_status = <Status of the invoice. Transaction status (integer). If the invoice is fully paid, status = 7>; vm_description = <Seller's comment or message>;
If the buyer is not registered in the Velespay system, the vm_buyer field will have only one email parameter.